Nutrition L’Ecuyer

An Argument For Real Food

Why should you go through all of the trouble to cook your own food when you could just buy it?

We have countless fast, made-for-you meal options, aisles and aisles of tasty, cheap food.

Why carve out the time to do this for ourselves?

Because food manufacturers don’t really care about your health.

Take this podcast with you on your next walk or drive to help deepen why we need to be our own health ambassadors and why food and lifestyle changes really matter!

I’m so excited to be hosting my second online cooking class. I know the recipes that I’ll be sharing with you will be a great foundation for you to build on and will inspire you to continue making the small changes that will eventually add up to big health results. Health is a one-way street. As you start noticing the effects of a cleaner and more nutritious diet, you’ll be motivated to continue.

I recently had a client that was balking at cooking her own meals. Her heavy work load and proximity to so many great and tasty meal options created a lot of resistance around batch cooking and freezing meals.

I told her that anytime she purchased a prepared meal; even something as healthy-sounding as frozen black bean burgers, she was purchasing someone else’s batch cooking.

When you cook your own food, you ensure top quality ingredients and maximum nutrition. And there are ways to do it and hold down your day job.

What do you think your body does when it needs nutrients?

It signals hunger!

When you give your body processed, refined or empty foods, your body, (although getting plenty of calories) is left starving for nutrients. As you begin eating more wholesome, natural foods, you will notice cravings and ravenous hunger diminish.

Good quality meat and animal products are not bad for you. Factory-farmed meat and dairy is. When you learn how to source your food, you will get the benefit of maximum nutrients and know that you’re a part of the solution rather than the problem.

You’ll avoid using inflammatory fats and switch it up for good quality anti-inflammatory fats. Yes! Those cheap salad dressings that live on the grocery store shelf could be contributing to your joint pain, inflammation and heart disease.

It will be much easier to control the amount of carbohydrates you take in making it easier to maintain a healthy weight because restaurant food or meal delivery services like GoodFood are all carb-heavy.

You’ll avoid chemical flavoring agents and preservatives. Read a package label, if you can’t pronounce it, there’s a good chance that your body doesn’t know what to do with it either. These substances add to your toxic load contributing to body acidity, inflammation and disease.

Will eating the occasional additive, chemical preservative or processed food kill you?

Of course not. But these foods and ingredients have a cumulative effect on the body that does add up over time.

I challenge you to make a few of the delicious changes I propose. Your body and your taste buds will have you coming back for more.

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