Nutrition L’Ecuyer

Gaspacho Recipe

Food is powerful.

I believe we can have it all; delicious food, great health and vitality, easy weight maintenance, better hormone balance and less inflammation. All this is possible without cravings, feeling deprived or without living in a restrictive or punishing diet mentality.

I also think we have way more power over our health than we’ve been led to believe.

Many common diseases and health problems are preventable and avoidable.

We are a bit of a band-aid society. We’re really quick to slap band-aids on symptoms and never slow down enough to address the root cause of all those pesky symptoms.

Think acetaminophen or ibuprofen for headaches or joint pain, cortisone cream for skin issues, antacids for heartburn, antihistamines for hay fever… pharmacy shelves are overflowing with solutions for the thing that ails you.

Have you ever thought that the thing that is ailing you is a red flag your body is sending out to signal that all is not well?

Our bodies are incredibly resilient and forgiving but if we continue to squash symptoms without addressing the root cause, the body will eventually force you to listen.

It’s called disease and it’s usually the result of years of imbalance and suppressed red flags.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

If any of this resonates and you feel like you’d like to address some of your red flags, contact me for a free 30 minute discovery session.

I also firmly believe that healthy food can and MUST be delicious.

Check out this delicious summer recipe.

Gaspacho fits into my win-win category. It’s delicious, easy (no cook), elegant and you can make it ahead. It’s also a great way to use up those beautiful fresh garden tomatoes that start coming at us by August.

I love serving this wonderful cold soup in a fancy long-stemmed glass as an appetizer that guests can enjoy while standing and mingling.

Garnish it with a sprig of something fresh or a sliver of lime and a dollop of sour cream and bam! Fancy, fun and tasty.

I hope you enjoy.

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