Nutrition L’Ecuyer

Rocket Fuel Anyone?

Have I ever told you about how Hughie likes to feed our car with high test fuel on road trips, especially if there are mountains involved?

I always feel weirdly resentful of our car when he selects the expensive stuff but I figure he knows what he’s doing…

On one particular trip, after filling the car with the premium stuff, he suggested grabbing some lunch from a fast food joint.

Well… that got my knickers in a knot.

”How can you dump rocket fuel into the car and feed your body garbage? ” The whole verbal onslaught probably went on much longer, but you get the gist.



The recipe that I’m about to share is my version of green rocket fuel.

Over the years, whenever I’ve felt:

run down,
like I was catching everything that was going by
like my skin had lost its glow
like my energy was down around my ankles
cold sores coming on every two minutes
like my weight was creeping up despite doing all the things…

I’d mix up a few batches of juice, give my bod some love, and all would be well.



As things would improve I’d inevitably let the rocket fuel habit slip.

I’ve repeated the cycle several times over the last 10 years or so.

Now I (mostly) stick with it…

Ever notice how we stop paying attention to our health and bodies when everything is going well?


I love pairing a small glass of the juice with my breakfast and even sometimes when lunch is rushed (aka when I don’t have time to prepare veggies or greens.)

Our bodies were designed to extract the nutrients that it needs from real food.

And let’s be real, when else would you eat greens or vegetables at breakfast?

Get the recipe HERE


A few things to keep in mind :

-If you aren’t a recipe follower and want to go rogue; stick with mild-tasting veggies. Some other ones that aren’t in the recipe: avocados, beets, fennel, swiss chard, carrots, romaine lettuce… Mix it up.

-Stick within a colour palet. Mixing spinach and blueberries will result in a nasty-coloured end product that won’t be appetizing. What your food looks like really does matter.

-Beets will turn everything pink, pair them with berries.

-Add a bit more fruit or honey if you’ve got picky skeptics that aren’t into green stuff. You can only make one first impression.

-Avoid gulping the juice. ‘Chewing’ it, or at least swishing it around in your mouth to mix it with your saliva will lighten the load on digestion.

-Finally, I highly recommend using a blender to make the stuff. Juicers remove precious fibre. Almost no one gets enough fibre.

Here’s the machine I use:

Bottom line; your body machine deserves the high test stuff.

I’m not claiming that this will cure everything that ails you, but it sure is a nice thing to do for the amazing body that you call home.

Try it for a couple of weeks and let me know what you notice. I read and answer every response 💚

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