Have you ever started something, not gotten results right away and then quit?

If you answered yes, you’re not alone.

The truth is that with any new endeavor, there is almost always a lag period where it feels like the effort you’re putting in isn’t equivalent to what you’re getting in return.

Meet the valley of disappointment.

This is why change is hard.

It isn’t because your new healthy habits aren’t paying off.

Its because many of us aren’t sticking with them long enough.

The efforts aren’t being wasted – they’re just being stored. It WILL pay off. If you just stick with it.


I was interviewed by a podcaster that discusses entrepreneurship and business.

When she asked me what I was most proud of in relation to my business. My answer was that I was proud to have stuck with it.

There were many, many times when the payback felt much less than the amount of energy going in.

The valley of disappointment applies in many different realms.


One of the key advantages of having a coach is to help you navigate the inevitable slumps.

Eating healthier and prioritizing yourself will always pay off.

Reach out if any of this resonates.