Entries by kimhealth


Surviving the holidays

Even though we will be lying low this holiday season, practicing a little strategic prevention will be a gift to yourself come New Year’s resolution time. I’ve been working at checking my self-talk. You know; that internal dialogue loop that repeats and repeats inside your head. A teacher recently pointed out how difficult it is […]


Avez vous besoin de plus de support?

Tout comme vous avez pris l’initiative d’être proactif avec votre santé, j’essaie toujours d’améliorer mes compétences en tant que coach pour mieux vous aider. Avec tout ce qui se passe, je suis plus déterminée que jamais à vouloir inspirer les gens, sachant que les petits changements peuvent apporter de grandes récompenses pour la santé. Plusieurs […]


Do you need a little extra support?

Just as you took the initiative to be proactive with your health by addressing diet and lifestyle, I’m always trying to up my game in the coaching department to help support you better. With everything that’s been going on, I’m more committed than ever about wanting to inspire you that small diet changes can bring […]


Are you suffering from the Novembers?

If the recent pandemic has taught us anything it’s that our health care system can’t survive the consequences of ignoring prevention. Its cold and flu season, its November and we’ve all been stressed to the eyeballs. Here are some easy things that YOU have control over that will make a huge difference in your ability […]

Mind your microbes

Our gut is home to between 70 or 80% of our natural defense system aka our immune system. Our gut microbiome is composed of a community of bacteria, fungi, yeast and viruses (yes viruses) that all contribute to maintaining health and have some very close ties with our immune system. Our microbiome is in constant communication with our […]


Getting to the root cause means starting with the gut

If you’ve worked with me, you know how much I promote fermented foods. At one of my previous workshops, a participant asked: ‘’ Are you being paid by a sauerkraut company or something?’’ I’m not; but I can’t ignore the evidence that continues to pile up about the benefits of fermented foods and probiotic nutrition. There […]


Best tips for getting in those leafies

You’ve heard that leafy greens are good for you but how do you get them onto your family’s plate? Leafy greens are a staple at my house now but it wasn’t always the case. Here are my top five tips for getting the leafy greens in: 1. Fermented foods; fermented foods are probiotic and enzyme-rich and […]

Counting calories is out

I’m touching base to let you know that I’ll be hosting a free online info session on August 29th  from 10:00 – 11:30. The session will be recorded for folks that register. Click here for all the details. I will be talking about why weight loss is about much more than calories in and calories […]

Stop shaming the fat

Fat doesn’t make you fat. Chronically high insulin levels make you fat. Fat is delicious. It’s is the vehicle for flavour in our food. Food that is fat-free or low-fat tastes like cardboard which is why food manufacturers have to add loads of sugar, artificial flavours or worst of all, artificial sugar to make them […]

5 Key Strategies To Help Support the Immune System

We are going through scary and destabilizing times.  If you are feeling afraid and powerless, there are strategies you can implement for you and your family in order to stay healthy. The current practices that are being suggested by health officials are to prevent you from contracting the virus.  To add to this approach, you […]