You’re a smart, make-it-happen kind of person. So tell me; why do you always put yourself last?

Attending to your diet and losing those extra pounds is scary and may seem like a giant mountain…

But it doesn’t have to be.

We all make up these obstacles in our minds, then we run through all the reasons why we shouldn’t even start.

‘’I’m not good enough, smart enough, disciplined enough. I don’t have enough time, energy, money’’

Sound familiar?

Now let’s reframe that:

You ARE good and smart and you have PLENTY of discipline.

Once you take the time to take better care of yourself, you’ll be rewarded with more energy and vitality. You deserve it.

The best wealth is health.

Investing in yourself is the best thing you can do for you and all of the people that rely on you.

I’ve learned a big lesson over the last few years.

I’ve always been a micro manager and a control freak. It was always easier to point out what everyone else should do to improve and get better…

The more anxious or stressed I was, the more I would nitpick and point fingers.

Worrying and focusing on others was way easier than attending to my own sh*t.

I’ve learned that I can’t control others. Not my adult kids, my husband, my clients… only me.

As much as that felt like a relief and like a heavy weight was lifted. It was also a hard pill to swallow.

Because it means that I’m in charge of me. Period.

I can’t blame or bitch at x-y-z for my problems (o.k., it still happens from time to time… )

Bottom line is if I don’t like something, it’s up to me to either change it or accept it.

And now when that stress or anxiety comes back, it’s my cue to shine that spotlight back on me and what I can control.

Doing this work does not have to be the giant mountain you’ve created in your mind. It will be a step by step process.

It will not be about perfection, just progress and holding yourself in the spotlight for a change.

Let this be a little love note to remind you that you’re worth it and you’ve got this ❤

Contact me if you’re ready to take care of you.


Have your cravings ever gotten in the way of a weight loss goal?

Cravings are a lot more about what and how you’re eating, rather than about pure willpower

Here are a few of the things that may be driving your cravings:

  • Insulin: Eating the wrong foods in the wrong way will lead to higher insulin levels in the body. High insulin is a driver for cravings, weight gain, inflammation, poor sleep, hormone disruption and much more. Check out this great reference.
  • Balance: Getting the right balance of high quality protein vs carbs is crucial for managing cravings. This study shows that what you eat for breakfast will have an impact on how you will eat late in the day. It’s important to note that this balance looks different for each person; a possible reason why cookie cutter diets don’t work for everyone.
  • Fiber: Once you’ve gotten the protein/carb balance right, getting the right kinds of carbs will also have an impact on cravings. Nature intended for most whole foods to come with plenty of natural fiber. Fiber helps keep the good bugs happy, helps keep insulin levels stable and helps us eliminate toxins. The processing of food often gets rid of the essential fiber component.
  • Probiotics: How is your gut? What a lot of folks don’t realize is that our gut bacteria can actually have a huge impact on cravings if things get too far out of balance. Eating sour foods that naturally contain probiotics such as yoghurt, kefir, sauerkraut, kombucha… will actually curb cravings and rebalance gut bacteria.
  • Nourishment: Is your food truly nourishing you or has it been stripped of its nutrients during processing? Are you getting enough variety? Nutrients are needed for every single metabolic process in the body. What do you think the body does when it needs nutrients? IT SIGNALS HUNGER.
  • Healthy fats: Processed food gets stripped of its healthy fats which are then replaced by lower quality, inflammatory fats that are shelf-stable. Healthy fats nourish the body, help keep you satisfied longer and make your food delicious.


If cravings have caused you to slip up in the past, it’s likely because one of these crucial elements was left out – NOT because you have a lack of will power.

Contact me if you’d like to discuss next steps.

Share this with someone you love.

I used to be a smoker. It took me about 8 years and at least 9 tries to finally quit for good.

I can still remember the dread I’d come up against every time I’d screw up enough courage to try again.

What I realize now is that each unsuccessful attempt was actually a stepping stone.

Each time I’d get a little clearer on what makes me tick and what makes me self-sabotage…

The experience also taught me to not quit trying even though it was a little painful and humiliating.

A lot of times, clients come at weight loss with the same defeated attitude. Often they’ve tried A LOT of things only to fall back into old habits.

Changing habits isn’t easy, otherwise everyone would be doing it. It’s not always linear and it doesn’t always happen on the first try but it is ALWAYS possible.

So next time you think about getting back on the wagon, check in with yourself.

What’s your self-talk?

Does it go something like this: You can’t do it. Who do you think you are? You’ve tried this before. You’re a loser. It’ll never work. You’ll always be this way. You’re too weak. You’ll always be…

Now call BULLSH*T on that voice.

Some people call that voice their gremlin, some people call it the censor.

No matter what you call it you have to start noticing it for what it is: An old program that was likely installed when you were in grade school and is no longer serving you.

I highly recommend reading this classic if you’d like to start getting good at calling out your gremlin.

Each past experience, even the ouchie ones, are getting you one step closer to finally breaking the old habits and installing the new program.

Don’t stop trying and don’t stop showing up for yourself.

Call me if you’d like to discuss your health goals.

Have pesky health issues been creeping up on you?

Are you on the fence about looking into your diet for possible answers? Are you worried that you’ll be in food prison and never get to enjoy your favourite treats ever again?

Stop worrying.

I’ve put together an info-packed workshop that will hit the spot.

In my upcoming Foods that Harm Foods that Heal workshop, I’ve distilled some of the most important messages that I repeat to clients again and again.

I’m not claiming that I’ll revolutionize your health in an hour, but I do hope to reassure you that addressing diet, even just in the form of some very basic swaps, isn’t the giant mountain you may perceive it to be.

Eating is personal – really personal.

For example; I have clients that intuitively gravitate towards a more plant-based diet while other clients would feel terrible if they tried to remove animal protein from their diet.

No two people are the same which is why cookie cutter diets don’t work.

The part I love the most with clients is witnessing their aha moments when they stop doing what they’ve always thought they should do and started paying attention to how they feel.

That being said, there are some sneaky ingredients that are just plain old nasty that have no place on anyone’s plate and especially not in your perfect body machine.

These culprits are concocted in labs and mainly serve the food manufacturer’s bottom line… more about that in the workshop.

On a personal note – I love food. It’s my raison d’être, my hobby and my passion. I’ve also witnessed first-hand what the loss of health can do to a person’s life as well as how it affects the people around them.

Good food is powerful prevention.

What I love most is bringing my passion for health and my passion for good food together as wholesome, natural food that is delicious and doable.

P.S. If you’ve worked with me before, this workshop will be a great refresher and motivator.

Now onto the recipe:

Do you have tomatoes coming out of your ears?

Fire up the BBQ side burner, pour a glass of wine and try your hand at this delicious marinara sauce.

If the thought of peeling pounds and pounds of tomatoes sounds overwhelming –no worries- you don’t have to peel the tomatoes for this recipe, all you’ll need is an immersion or wand-type blender.

diced tomatoes with skin on and anchovies

diced tomatoes with skin on and anchovies

I always add anchovies to my tomatoes sauces. The idea isn’t to taste the anchovy but it works miracles at elevating the sauce somehow.

An old friend gave me this tip years ago (thanks Dave) and I always have anchovies on hand because of it. If you’re not crazy about anchovies, you can omit them or use half the amount.

I like to make a giant batch that I freeze in small bags or containers to have on hand as a shortcut in many recipes.

(This is called healthy fast food folks!)

frozen bags of marinara sauce

frozen bags of marinara sauce

I always make the sauce neutral and add whatever different flavours I want to it depending on what I’m making.

For example, you could pull out a frozen container of basic marinara, add in some cream and some fresh basil and enjoy it over grilled zucchini and eggplant with melted cheese.

You could add in some chopped bell peppers and a little heat (chili flakes or jalapenos) and enjoy the sauce over pasta or even with a piece of chicken or fish.

I make these Swiss chard rolls with ground pork, wild rice, lots of mint and finish the whole thing with the marinara sauce and a touch of cream… yum.

No matter how you unleash your crazy in the kitchen, I hope you have fun with this one.

Click here to download the marinara sauce recipe


If I had a big picture message to put out there, it’s that working towards better health is a process.

There is no destination; it’s all about the journey, your health journey.

It’s o.k. to have concrete goals such as losing a little extra weight, reducing inflammation, addressing digestive upset… but coming at better health with an all or nothing approach is like saying you can cut your lawn just once and be done it.

To achieve -and most importantly, maintain- the desired outcome, the process must be ongoing.

Like any process, whether it be learning to play the piano, learning a new language or driving a car we all have to start at the beginner stage, go through those uncomfortable learning phases and eventually one day we realize that we’ve integrated it.

The same can be expected when you’re learning new food and lifestyle habits. It’s a process.

It’s so easy to fall back into old comfortable habits. It WILL happen and it’s even fun to take a break once in awhile.

The key is to return to the process, to realign with your original goals, to recommit and celebrate how far you’ve come.

Clients that adopt this long-haul approach and manage to recommit are invariably the ones that create the most success for themselves.
After all, even one new healthy habit a year will add up to noticeably better health when you take a big picture view.

All of this requires some creativity and most importantly, self-kindness.

I often urge clients to watch their self-talk. If you’re not sure what that means, just tune in to your internal dialogue. Would you talk to a friend that way?

To begin practicing the self-loving before you’ve reached the desired outcome is extremely powerful. It’s as if our bodies respond to kind self-thoughts and resist punishing, nasty self-talk.

I see it again and again. If the client’s attitude is harsh, demanding and punitive, the body resists, and they self-sabotage. The – I’ll only be happy when… – attitude doesn’t work.

Perfectionism has no place in a sustainable process.

Enthusiasm however has a different vibe to it. Enthusiasm ties in with playfulness and curiosity. Not with tedious work or punishment or rigidity.

When we’re focused on process, the whole lens changes and we can approach our goals with a sense of adventure and self-discovery.

Do something today that your future self will thank you for.
Please join me if you think you’re ready to start your process.

Share this with someone you love.

What comes to mind when I say the word prevention?

I would like to talk about why I think nutrition and lifestyle should be on the top of that list.

My background is in agriculture.

Every farmer knows that if you neglect the diet of your herd or flock, you’re setting yourself up for problems.

Diet imbalances show up as lower production, immune system issues or poor fertility…

Feed consultants (animal nutritionists) are monitoring diet quality constantly. It’s a big deal. Big bucks are invested, feed is tested routinely, some major cutting-edge nutrition and science is happening to ensure that the animal is always getting optimal nutrition.

They’re putting that much emphasis on feed and diet because it works.

You see, prevention is cost effective – treatment is not!

Now let’s take a look at the human health system.

For the most part, our health philosophy focuses on intervention rather than prevention.

Think back to the last time you had a health concern. Did anyone ask you about your diet or your stress levels and what you were doing to manage it? Did anyone ask about your sleep quality or how much you moved your body? Did anyone test your food or your poop or your water?

More than likely you were prescribed a medication – right?

Pharmaceutical medication is powerful and there is no denying that certain drugs save lives.

While other drugs simply provide relief of the bothersome symptom but do nothing to address the root cause or why the problem developed in the first place.
Unfortunately many drugs come with a cascade of side effects and some deplete your body by blocking the absorption of certain nutrients. Check out this book for more information on this subject.

As humans, we have evolved alongside natural, seasonal, whole foods. Eating highly processed, fiddled-with food is the equivalent of dumping muddy water into the gas tank of your car. You may putt putt along for awhile but eventually things will stop running smoothly.

If the label on your food lists things that you can’t pronounce, there’s a big chance that your body doesn’t know what to do with it either.

We make dozens even hundreds of decisions everyday to do or not do certain things. Those choices, no matter how trivial, contribute to creating a life that is more (or less) healthy and fulfilling. The decisions we make move us towards (or away) from better balance in our lives.

Join me if you’d like to start moving the needle towards more balance and prevention.

Share this with someone you love.

Do you ever wish you could just get the nitty gritty on nutrition – the bare bones so to speak?

Well I’m offering just that!

Check out my upcoming free workshop: Foods That Heal Foods That Harm.

But before I go on, let me back up a bit.

Why even bother? Why not just eat what tastes good and get on with life?

Because your food is your fuel

Once the food you eat goes down the hatch, it gets digested and broken down into nutrients that your body uses as fuel. That fuel is needed to power your amazing body machine.

It’s needed for everything from the proper function of all of your bits and pieces (including mood, sleep, energy…) to repair and maintenance all the way to protecting you from infection. Big stuff.

Eating poor quality food won’t necessarily have any detrimental effects right away.

Your body is a brilliant machine that is equipped with backup plans – mechanisms to shore up the damage and keep your engine running smoothly despite the poor quality fuel.

Over time, if you continue to feed your machine highly processed foods that are low in nutrients and high in unpronounceables (artificial colours, flavours, preservatives…) aka muddy water for your tank. The body runs through plan B- C- D… but it’ll eventually run out of contingency plans and things will start breaking down.

What starts going wrong depends on each person. It can manifest as digestive issues, weight issues, inflammation, sleep complaints, skin issues, migraines, allergies, disease… It’s different for everyone.

These are the engine lights – the red flags -the S.O.S.s – that your body is sending to say that things have gone too far.

These aren’t normal results of aging, they’re the result of an accumulation of deficiencies and imbalances.

Aging doesn’t have to stink and it doesn’t have to hurt.

There are a lot of things we don’t have control over. We can’t control the weather, the stock market, other people… but we do have control over how we care for our amazing body machines.

Learning how to properly care for yourself is your job.

Be a part of the solution not the problem. Join me to learn the basics. A recording of the workshop will be sent to everyone who signs up.

Cheers to taking charge of your health,

Food is powerful.

I believe we can have it all; delicious food, great health and vitality, easy weight maintenance, better hormone balance and less inflammation. All this is possible without cravings, feeling deprived or without living in a restrictive or punishing diet mentality.

I also think we have way more power over our health than we’ve been led to believe.

Many common diseases and health problems are preventable and avoidable.

We are a bit of a band-aid society. We’re really quick to slap band-aids on symptoms and never slow down enough to address the root cause of all those pesky symptoms.

Think acetaminophen or ibuprofen for headaches or joint pain, cortisone cream for skin issues, antacids for heartburn, antihistamines for hay fever… pharmacy shelves are overflowing with solutions for the thing that ails you.

Have you ever thought that the thing that is ailing you is a red flag your body is sending out to signal that all is not well?

Our bodies are incredibly resilient and forgiving but if we continue to squash symptoms without addressing the root cause, the body will eventually force you to listen.

It’s called disease and it’s usually the result of years of imbalance and suppressed red flags.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

If any of this resonates and you feel like you’d like to address some of your red flags, contact me for a free 30 minute discovery session.

I also firmly believe that healthy food can and MUST be delicious.

Check out this delicious summer recipe.

Gaspacho fits into my win-win category. It’s delicious, easy (no cook), elegant and you can make it ahead. It’s also a great way to use up those beautiful fresh garden tomatoes that start coming at us by August.

I love serving this wonderful cold soup in a fancy long-stemmed glass as an appetizer that guests can enjoy while standing and mingling.

Garnish it with a sprig of something fresh or a sliver of lime and a dollop of sour cream and bam! Fancy, fun and tasty.

I hope you enjoy.

Whenever I introduce myself and explain that I’m a Registered Holistic Nutrition consultant. I invariably get the same response.

You’re a registered what what now?

Holistic means that all of the various parts of a whole are in intimate interconnection with the entire system.
When relating it to your body; this means that all of your body parts as well as your mind and spirit are in constant and complex interplay.

What that basically means is that the food you eat, your beliefs, and your outlook on life are just a few of the things that have a very important effect on your overall health and well being.

I believe that we hold much more power over how our health story will play out than we’ve been led to believe. We don’t have to be victims of our health and genetics.

(Take this inspiring podcast with you on your next walk or drive if you’re curious about that last statement)

Think of it this way: Your genetics is the loaded gun, diet and lifestyle is the trigger. The loaded gun isn’t dangerous in and of itself although it holds the potential to be deadly. You make choices whether or not you will activate your genetics – pull the trigger – or not through your diet and lifestyle choices.

Smoking gun on white background, closeup

  • Holistic nutrition consultants help shine the light on the importance of maintaining overall balance and help simplify the important task of feeding yourself so you can provide your body with the proper fuel it needs and craves.
  • We lead with the assumption that the human body already has all of the necessary hormones and enzymes that are required for health and balance as long as the proper nutrients (fuel) are provided.
  • We assume that the normal human state is wellness.
  • Our job is to guide you in providing the fuel that can be found in natural wholesome foods as well as a balanced lifestyle so that your body can naturally regain balance.
  • We are not trained within the disease model but rather with a focus on health, prevention and getting to the root cause.
  • There is rarely a one size fits all approach since we recognize that everyone is unique. There are very few magic bullets but rather many small changes that add up over time.
  • Our success relies on our client’s personal involvement and on taking self-responsibility. So respecting everybody’s individual pace and basic level of understanding is essential.

Food is our fuel. Food is powerful… I say let it be our medicine.

Contact me if you’d like to book a free 30 minute discovery call to see how you can take your health to the next level.



I hope you’re doing well.

I’m always inspired by the power of food and lifestyle changes. The reason for that is because of my amazing clients.

I’ve decided to share a small sample of the kind of transformation that I’m honored to be a part of everyday.

Meet Thomas;

Thomas is strong, vibrant and soon-to-be new dad. He decided to join Metabolic Balance to address long-standing digestive issues that included lower abdominal pain, gassiness and alternating constipation and diarrhea.

As a result of his difficulty digesting food (poor digestion means nutrients aren’t being properly absorbed) he also struggled with chronic fatigue and resulting poor concentration. Thomas had a small weight loss goal but his digestion was the dangling carrot that instigated his health journey.

Thomas works full time at a demanding job and he admits that the first two weeks of his plan were quite challenging. Despite the extra effort and dedication required to stay on track, he sailed through the strict phase with flying colors.

Two weeks into his plan, Thomas was down 16 lbs. which was beyond his weight loss goal. We made some adjustments so he could continue without losing more weight. Although the amount of bloating, gas and discomfort was improved, he was still not quite where he wanted to be.

Eight weeks into his plan, Thomas was no longer experiencing digestive upset, his bowels were regular and he was enjoying better energy and focus.

The true test came after a very indulgent celebration meal when he experienced zero negative side effects, this type of meal would have cost him dearly in the past.

This was a sign that his body had built up enough resilience to tolerate the occasional indulgence – as it should.

Thomas was committed to taking charge of his health and in doing so is possibly preventing more serious health problems down the road. We’re not just what we eat – we’re what we can digest!

I’m so grateful that Thomas trusted me to be a part of his wellness journey. I’m amazed at his dedication and resolve and at how quickly his body thanked him for the changes.


Here are a few words from him:

Q. What do you like best about Metabolic Balance?

A. The one thing I thought was very cool about this Metabolic Balance program was the fact that I was able to find out what foods are best suited for my body type. There were so many different varieties of foods that I’ve never had before so I got to experience new healthy foods for the first time that I quite enjoyed; it definitely got me out of my comfort zone.

Q. Talk a little about your journey so far?

A. I do have to admit this journey wasn’t an easy one but I’m really glad that I decided to take this big step into changing my eating habits. I know I’m building a good foundation so I can live a long and happier life.

Q. How would you describe your experience working with Kim?

A. I’m so glad that I had the pleasure to meet Kim. She taught me so much on what my body type needs to sustain a healthy digestive system.

Contact me if you’d like to book a free 30 minute discovery session.

Cheers to taking the reins!
